
Keeping in mind the educational and supportive nature of Cosmosis® Mentoring Centre , this Code of Ethics (Code) is intended to encourage growth and understanding in and among those involved in Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  as facilitators, mentors, trainers, its management and employees.  It is a framework, designed to provide an operational scope within which our high levels of moral integrity and duty of care are undertaken and exercised.

The Code provides a structure within which disputants may safely and constructively resolve their differences, guidelines for developing ethically based courses of action, and ethical ideals to which to aspire and adhere to. It is a living document, meant to mature with experience and input from our membership.

Why do we have a Code of Ethics?
 • to define accepted/acceptable behaviours;
• to promote high standards of practice;
• to provide a benchmark for members to use for self evaluation;
• to establish a framework for professional behaviour and responsibilities;
• as a vehicle for occupational identity;
• as a mark of occupational maturity and professionalism;
• to ensure the commitment to our responsibility and duty of care is maintained

What are Ethics?
 • the principles of conduct governing an individual or group, ie professional ethics;
• a system or philosophy of conduct and principles practiced by a person or group;
• the discipline dealing with what is acceptable within the context of moral duty and obligation;
• a set of moral principles or operational values.

What is moral?
 • of or concerned with the principles of appropriate behaviour, conduct and character;
• modes of conduct;
• that which is ethical, nurturing and supportive of the duty and responsibility of care;
• teaching or upholding standards of nurturing behaviour judged by one’s own conscience
• to be ethical or approved.

What is a Cosmosis® Mentoring Centre student?
 Cosmosis® Mentoring Centre  students are any persons who are involved in the following Cosmosis® Mentoring Centre activities regardless of whether you yourself as someone involved in the official activities of the foundation or are personally involved in their instruction/training or not -
• The Cosmosis® Mentoring Centre Sponsored Mentoring Program
• Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre Government Accredited Courses
• Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Online short courses

A Code of Ethics (or Ethical Standards) speaks to the implementation of ethical values.

Underneath these guidelines are values that Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  chooses to uphold.  Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  members are responsible for their own behaviour; Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  members accept and strive for excellence through thoughtful, responsible, masterful and professional behaviour.

Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  responsibility of CARE!  Always remember that in any position of authority there is very little equality. Those in our care are to be treated with respect and dignity without exception! Above all - CAUSE NO HARM!

The purpose of this document is to define acceptable conduct and behaviour, standards of practice, maturity and professionalism within Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre . These definitions form the ethics of Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  and apply to all Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  facilitators, mentors, trainers, management and its employees.   For the purposes of this document all those whom this document applies to will be referred to as Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Transformation facilitators.

The profession of Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Transformation facilitator is dedicated to providing an environment in which individuals can freely choose to acquire the necessary skills to function effectively and successfully in their lives on a human/Earthly, psychological and spiritual level.  It is not possible to foresee every situation we may encounter.  Therefore, the basic ethical principles in Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Ethics are necessarily extremely wide and in some areas general.  Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Transformation Facilitator must exercise personal judgment and ethical reflection.  In each ethical situation the intent of the Transformation Facilitator is to benefit and not harm individuals. Benefit is defined in both physical (safety and comfort versus pain and injury), psychological (feelings of self-worth, interpersonal trust, self-knowledge and general knowledge versus fear, humiliation and cynicism) and spiritual (trending towards actualisation of an ascended consciousness of clarity, purity and integrity).  Certain activities and relationship dynamics are clearly defined as unacceptable within Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Code of Ethics.

The Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Policy provides for ethical standards and behaviours of all Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Members in any capacity and/or endeavour. This policy as updated and amended from time to time is binding upon all members without exception.

It is the objective of Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  that the following Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct will:

• Provide a means for individual Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  members to evaluate their own ethical standards and behaviours and make adjustments if necessary to meet the established standards.

• Provide a means for participants and trainees of Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Transformation Facilitator Programs to evaluate the standards and practices used by their Coaches, Mentors and Trainers and validate that participants and trainees are receiving professional and ethical training and development.

• Provide a means for Employers to evaluate the standards and behaviours of Transformation Facilitators to ensure a high ethical standard is being met.

• Provide a means to educate the public and promote the high ethical standards practiced by members of Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre .

• Provide a means for Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Ethics Committee and the Central Executive Committee to evaluate and adjudicate grievances against Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Transformation facilitators.

Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  holds the worth, dignity and capability of every human being as their primary value. Therefore, Transformation Facilitators shall not discriminate against anyone on the basis of race, colour, language, religion, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, physical and mental ability, economic condition or national ancestry.  Furthermore, they shall work towards
preventing and eliminating such discrimination in rendering service, in work assignments and in employment practices.

Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  affirms that all people have the right to well-being.

In addition, all people have the following rights:

• To learn the skills necessary for the development of human relationships and that each person has the right to self-determination with due regard to the rights of others.
• To operate in such a way to move steadily towards the actualisation of love, wisdom, compassion and unconditional love within every facet, activity, circumstance and endeavour of their existence as a human/spiritual entity.
• To choose the orientation of their energies in of and for love in service to all that is.
• To act if they but choose as a free agent of creative will
• To exist free of the control and manipulation of fear upon all levels

Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  duty of care includes the facilitation of the above rights for all who choose to be involved within the activities of Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre .

Values Statement
The commitment to confidentiality fosters open communication and is essential for effective client relationships.  Concerns about privacy and confidential matters arise throughout the entire professional relationship, from intake to after the Contract has ended.

Standards of Professional Conduct
 • Allow individuals to be the primary source of information about themselves and their issues.
• Explain to individuals the legal limitations to confidentiality and disclose such information only when authorised by the individual or when obligated legally to do so, such as necessary to prevent a crime or to prevent individuals from doing harm to themselves or to others. Recognise that such disclosure should not be made without great care or without the individual’s knowledge unless informing the individual would impede the due process of law or endanger someone.
• Ensure that information obtained and recorded about an individual can be justifiably supported as either being related to an individual’s behaviour in the program or be required by the employer for administrative accountability or research needs.
• Permit individuals, in the company of Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Transformation Facilitator, the opportunity to check the accuracy of all factual data in their files as they have the right to know what their records contain.
• Protect the privacy of individuals according to the current government regulations and hold in confidence all knowledge, records and materials concerning each individual.
• Students or staff may access any of their own records. Such records will be supplied within twenty four hours.
• When disclosure is required by law, by order of a court or competent jurisdiction or by the work setting, divulge no more information than is required, and when possible, notify the individual of this requirement.
• Disclose client information, only to the extent necessary, to defend myself, my colleagues or employers against allegations of malpractice or misconduct.
• Endeavour to promote and maintain excellence in the profession of Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Transformation Facilitators by adhering to these confidentiality standards.

Values Statement
In private life or professional activity, the behaviour of an individual Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Transformation Facilitators reflects upon the entire profession of mentoring/coaching and personal/spiritual growth.

Standards of Professional Conduct
 • Review on an annual basis this Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct, evaluate my actions and behaviours, and make any necessary changes to ensure I am upholding and subscribing to these Ethics and Standards in spirit as well as in the letter.
• Accurately identify my qualifications, both verbally and in writing.
• Avoid claiming or implying any personal capabilities or professional qualifications beyond those I have actually attained, recognising that competency gained in one field of activity must not be used improperly to imply competency in another.
• Strive to know my limitations and to stay within the bounds of these limitations.
• Refrain from using a position of trust to receive special benefits, financial or personal gain.
• Accept full responsibility for the consequences of my own actions and decisions taken.
• Maintain personal, physical and psychological well-being, including healthy personal support systems, to ensure ongoing professional competence and avoidance of conditions which could result in impaired judgment.
• Use professional Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  counselling to deal with any debilitating personal issues that may interfere with appropriate coach/client relationships.
• Seek consultation or support from experienced Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  mentors or trainers and give due regard to their advice in arriving at a responsible decision when faced with a difficult issue
• Maintain a high degree of self-awareness to be able to recognise when personal needs, feelings, values, and limitations interfere with the group and the individuals in the group process of planned change and/or termination of a professional relationship.
• Accept personal responsibility for continued professional competency and utilise ongoing self-evaluation, peer support, consultation, supervision, continuing education and/or personal therapy to evaluate my strengths, limitations, biases or levels of effectivenessas a Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Transformation Facilitator; always striving for self-improvement in my professional knowledge, my skills and abilities, my work with groups and individuals, and my emotional well-being.
• Participate in ongoing professional development, continuing in and contributing to Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  mentoring and coaching knowledge and education, liaison with colleagues and other professional associations relevant to my field.
• Contact Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Headquarters as soon as practicable in order to obtain necessary support when defending myself against allegations of malpractice or misconduct.

Values Statement
Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Transformation Facilitator recognises their primary professional responsibility under all circumstances is to the group and individuals they are serving.  Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Transformation Facilitator recognises that they bear a heavy social responsibility because their recommendations and professional actions may alter the lives of others.

Standards of Professional Conduct
 • Only undertake group or individual facilitation that I honestly believe I am personally and professionally capable of handling. If any issues prsent which are in any way outside of the scope of personal growth coaching and mentoring then the client must immediately be referred to the relevant supervising mendical practitioner for evaluation.

• Recognise the intense level of affective involvement inherent in a professional relationship. Ensure that the difference between professional and personal involvement with individuals is explicitly understood and respected and that my behaviour as a Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre Transformation Facilitator is appropriately professional. Ensure that all interpersonal transactions between myself and individuals served are non-exploitative and essential to their integrity and well-being.

• Be alert to personal, social, organisational, financial and political situations or pressures that may lead to misuse of my influence with individuals. Accept that as a
Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre Transformation Facilitator, I am an authoritative figure no matter how equal I might appear within a group or to an individual.

• Ensure that appropriate boundaries and safeguards are established with each group and individual which will protect the psychological safety and the integrity of individuals.

• Recognise when an individual’s needs are beyond my professional competencies as a Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Transformation Facilitator.  Refer individuals for their own safety and well-being or when it is in their best interest to appropriate agencies, services or practitioners. Maintain appropriate contact and support for an individual as necessary to ensure their safety and well-being until seen by the receiving service.

• Not practice, condone, facilitate or collaborate with any form of unjust discrimination. Not engage publicly in demeaning descriptions of others, including jokes or other remarks which reflect adversely on the dignity of others.

• Abstain from all forms of harassment, including sexual harassment.

• Refrain from any overtly or covertly sexualized behaviours and any intimate and sexual intimacies and relationships with all non-client individuals whom you meet at any Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre Retreat, courses and/or workshops/seminars for a minimum period of three months after the event regardless of whether the attendee is considered an equal.

• Refrain from any overtly or covertly sexualized behaviours and any intimate and sexual intimacies and relationships with Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre clients / students (refer to Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  student defined previously) either while involved in a coach/client, facilitator/student, teacher/student or trainer-trainee relationship or for at least two years from the time that the professional contract has formally ended.

Note: under rare and extremely unusual circumstances permission may be sought from Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Ethics Committee to commence a sexual/romantic/intimate relationship with a former student only after nine months has elapsed since the termination of the teacher-student relationship. This only applies if the former student is now actively  in a real and demonstrated way exhibiting personal, spiritual and professional equality with the ex-mentor. The ex-student must in also such cases exhibit personal, professional and spiritual autonomy with the others members of the Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre facilitation staff. This clause only exists to allow for spiritually advanced individuals whom may be drawn to the CMC work who awaken and progress very quickly to take their place as a team member or life partner of a member of the CMC Team. Approval for such a relationship is only granted after consideration by the CMC Ethics Committee which includes our supervising medical professionals.

• Refrain from the use of all mind altering substances, stimulants and depressants.  There is absolutely no place for mind altering substances of any kind in the life of any Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  facilitators, mentor, trainer, management, employee or any other representative of Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  As facilitators of Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre all representatives “practice what they preach” and demonstrate this in their daily personal and professional life.  Hence, they do not engage in denial and avoidance, chemical or otherwise, but face challenges with up cast eyes and a bright and irrepressible enthusiasm. Certain substances and behaviors are mutually exclusive to employment within Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre In addition to the obvious illegal recreational drugs, the following are also not allowed.

                1. Coffee is a powerful stimulant and is to be abstained from. No recreational drugs, legal or otherwise are ingested by CMC staff.
                2. Tobacco is sef destructive and not allowed.
                3. Alcohol is a poison that numbs the body and stupefies the spirit.  It is something you preserve things with and if we are committed to facilitating change and transformation then the last thing we would do is soak these bodies in alcohol and prevent change.

• Recognise and accept that all behaviours have meaning and are need fulfilling.

• Recognise and accept that behaviour is not the individual and that the individual has the right to change their behaviour if they choose. Accept that an individual is not expected to demonstrate behaviours beyond their capacity and their level of skill development. Strive to present various learning opportunities to enable individuals to become aware of their skills and how their behaviours are fulfilling their needs. Promote awareness and development of options for individuals to enhance their personal effectiveness.

• Consider each individual’s motivation, capacity and opportunity for change at any given time during the change process to appropriately guide the interaction. Provide the group and individuals with guidance, counselling, assistance with exploration and consideration of alternatives and consequences, and support them with their decision. Encourage individuals to accept responsibility for their choice and action, as our goal is to assist each individual to become self-determined.

• Be open, honest, trustworthy and non-judgmental. Be aware of the meaning and impact of my own biases, values and the stresses in my own life as they reflect on individuals.

• Do not impose my own biases, values and personal experiences on individuals but rather encourage individuals to develop their own value systems through a process of exploration and values clarification.

• Be responsible, reliable, courteous, conscientious and a good role model.  Display a positive self-image, self-control and a sense of humour.  Be empathetic and show care and concern.  Exercise tact and diplomacy in all relations.

• Recognise that competence for a particular task may require advice or collaboration with experts in other professional fields, on a confidential basis.  Accept that it is professionally ethical to obtain this advice in such instances, following the proper legislative procedures.

• Ensure that an individual be allowed to leave with as much dignity as possible in the case of voluntary or involuntary termination of the individual/coach relationship.

• Be aware of the diverse backgrounds of individuals and, when dealing with topics that may give offence, treat and present the material objectively.

• Ensure programs are learner-centred by conducting pre-selection interviews, needs analysis and basing Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Global Coaching Community course selection on learner identified needs.  Develop written lesson plans.

• Do not allow outside interests to occupy my time such that the group or individuals suffer from inattention or poor service.

• Disclose the nature of any potential conflict to the group or individuals when necessary.

• Accept that my commitment to Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  facilitation, mentoring and training professional values does not exclude me from participating in outside interests such as politics, another profession, occupation or business enterprise.


RESPONSIBILITY TO THE Cosmosis® Mentoring Centre (CMC)
Values Statement
Facilitators, Mentors and Trainers are accountable and responsible for the efficient performance of their duties to the CMC.

Standards of Professional Conduct
• Be accountable and responsible for the efficient performance of my duties to the CMC as well as provide competent group and individual service.

• Fulfil obligations to individuals and responsibility to the CMC with integrity and competence. Inform the CMC of any situation that may impede my competent performance or infringe on my integrity.  Disclose the nature of any potential conflict to my employer when necessary.

• Respect CMC policies and procedures and co-operate with CMC management as long as they are consistent with Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.  Be aware of the need for changes in policies and procedures and actively pursue such changes.  Refuse to participate in any unethical practices.

• Recognise the need to work co-operatively in a multi-disciplinary team respecting the unique contribution of each member and discipline.

Values Statement
Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  has a public responsibility to provide competent Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  mentoring, coaching and training services. Therefore, individual Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre Transformation Facilitators must actively support and uphold the ethical standards and behaviour of all other Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Transformation Facilitators.

Standards of Professional Conduct
 • Accept responsibility for the quality of my professional performance while facilitating, encouraging, and respecting the same standards of colleagues.  Contribute my ideas and share my expertise and learning with other Transformation Facilitators.

• As a co-facilitator, work in a mutually supportive manner and do mutual planning to enhance group and individual development.  Confront and resolve any issues that develop between me and my co-coach in a professional, timely and competent manner.  Refuse to participate in unethical practices.

• Report to Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Ethics Committee any unethical practices or other actions by Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  members which could impair facilitator/individuals relationships or reflect discredit upon Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  or the Mentoring and Coaching profession.  Confine expression of professional conduct to matters of fact.

• Actively support the purposes and values of Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre . Bring to the attention of Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Ethics Committee all ethical issues which require clarification or the development of new guidelines or standards.

• Support other Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Transformation Facilitators in their adherence to Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct.

• Take steps to protect the larger community by educating individuals and groups as to what constitutes harm caused by those purporting to offer mentoring and coaching.

Values Statement
As Transformation Facilitators. Mentors and coaches are viewed as role models within the communities they live and serve their integrity and behaviours reflect upon the profession as a whole.

Standards of Professional Conduct
 • Abide by the laws of the society in which I live and work.

• Work within the community of human services to create, promote and maintain employment policies, practices and conditions which are consistent with the values, ethics and professional standards of the Life Skills profession.

• Ensure advertisements and other public notices and information relating to Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Transformation facilitators is accurate and truthful.  Avoid using misleading claims or promises that could lead to loss of confidence by the public.

As a Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  facilitator, mentor, participant, employer or concerned member of the public who has a concern with the ethical behaviour of a Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  facilitator, mentor, trainer, management or employee, the following procedure applies.

If the grievance is of a criminal nature, it must be reported immediately to the proper legal authorities.

If you perceive the behaviour of a facilitator, mentor, trainer, management or employee to be outside the acceptable Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct as adopted by Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  then:

a)  Reference this Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct Policy, and seek advice and guidance as necessary from any member of Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Executive or the Ethics Committee.

b)  Initiate discussion with the Transformation Facilitator with whom you have a personal concern about their professional ethics and behaviour to clarify, confront and resolve the situation as soon as possible.

c) If unable to confront or resolve the situation a written grievance is to be sent to Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Executive and Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Ethics Committee. At the same time, a copy of the written Grievance must also be provided to the facilitator/mentor/trainer/management and/or employee you have grievance with. Grievance of an alleged breach of Ethics must be formally initiated no later than one year after the situation occurred.

Confidentiality is to be strictly adhered to by all individuals involved in the grievance process and subsequent review and investigation (including the complainant, the defendant, members of the Ethics Committee and Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Executive) to ensure a factual and effective review and investigation and to promote the dignity of all involved.

Upon receipt of a written grievance, a meeting of the Ethics Committee must be called by the Chairperson within thirty (30) days of receipt of the grievance. If the grievance is of a criminal nature, it will immediately be forwarded to the proper legal authorities.

After the Ethics Committee’s first meeting regarding a grievance, a letter indicating the Committee
members’ names, names of the people involved in the grievance and dates pertinent to the issue, must be sent to the people involved and to members of Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Executive, The letter will also describe the Committee’s initial plan of action and/or decisions and information on appeal procedures.

There are three acceptable actions only:
a) Conduct an investigation,
b) Refer the matter to a more appropriate agency or individual for resolution,
c) Refer the matter elsewhere, with further proceedings by the Ethics Committee to be held in

Should the Ethics Committee decide to conduct an investigation, they will review and conduct it in a timely manner. This will include speaking with the person initiating the grievance and the Life Skills Coach/Trainer against whom the grievance is made. Other people may be interviewed and evidence will also be sought as deemed appropriate by the Committee.

Upon completion of the investigation, the Ethics Committee will issue a written notice of the findings, including any action to be taken, to the Complainant, the facilitator/mentor/trainer/management/employee and Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Executive.

The Ethics Committee and all those involved in a grievance have the right to call upon advisors for the purpose of gathering information or seeking legal or other counsel.

The appeal procedure is the same as set out for the original grievance. Notice of the appeal must also be sent to the other party. An appeal, by either party, must be received or postmarked no later than sixty (60) days from the date the original ruling was issued by the Ethics Committee.

Upon receipt of an Appeal, Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Ethics Committee will review the Appeal and any additional information brought forward in the Appeal. If deemed necessary, further investigation may be undertaken. A final ruling on the grievance, binding on both parties, will be issued to both parties and Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Executive no later than 90 days after receipt of the Appeal.

Where a case is proven against a facilitator, mentor, trainer, management and/or employee, they may, depending on the circumstances and the gravity of the charge, be reprimanded, suspended from membership, or removed from the list of members. Details of cases in which members are found in breach of the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct may be published in such a manner as the Ethics Committee shall deem appropriate.

All correspondence becomes a matter of public record.


• All members of the Committee must be Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  members in good standing for a minimum of one (1) year.

• At least one member must be from Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Central Executive Committee.

• All other members will be elected or appointed from within the ranks of Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Facilitation/Mentoring and/or Training staff.

• Elections or appointments shall be held annually at Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Annual General Meeting.

• The position of Chairperson shall be elected or appointed by the Committee Members at their first meeting following the Annual General Meeting and be held for the remainder of the 1 year term.

• The quorum for the Ethics Committee will be three (3) members present. In the event that a member(s) is unable to deal with a formal complaint, the remaining committee members will choose an alternative(s) from the membership at large, subject to approval by the Executive to meet quorum requirements. After a meeting of Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Ethics Committee, any alternatives are expected to stay with the Committee until the end of the specific grievance procedure.

• Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Ethics Committee members must report any conflicts and voluntarily remove him/herself from the Committee.

• If a grievance is toward a member of Cosmosis™ Mentoring Centre  Ethics Committee, that member must step down until the matter has been settled. The Committee may later reinstate the individual to the Committee if appropriate.